English at INACAP

INACAP’s Policy is that all students study English during their time in the institution.

The English Program is taught entirely through the medium of English providing students with as much contact with the English language as possible. Teachers are facilitators who guide students and help them learn efficiently and make real progress acquiring the language.

It is believed that students learn best in a meaningful context, actively participating in lessons. Lessons are therefore designed to provide settings and situations which apply to daily life and professional interests motivating students to become committed learners.

Students are exposed to the slight differences found in the English language around the world as the aim here is the development and acquisition of the language without emphasis on a particular country’s accent.

INACAP’s English Program has three main levels:

  • A basic plan of two semesters mostly for students following a two year program of study
  • A pre-intermediate plan for students following a four year program of study with a total of four semesters of English study
  • Intermediate and advanced plans for students following programs of study leading to professions which require greater proficiency in the English Language

At the end of the Program each student should be able to:

  • Understand spoken English in a variety of social and professional settings according to the level of proficiency required by each program of study
  • Speak English clearly and fluently enough not to hinder communication
  • Understand specialized texts and write simple notes, messages and reports according to the needs of each program of study

The final grade for each semester is made up of the average of several instances of evaluation: tests, quizzes, oral tests, class tasks and assignments. Students who achieve a 5 or higher and have no failing grades, do not need to sit the final exam. Students are also graded on their attitude towards English classes (punctuality, participation, etc) and this is included in the overall average at the end of the semester.

English classes at INACAP are taught through the medium of English in order to provide our students with as much access to the English Language as possible. Students are expected to speak in English as much as possible during classes to develop the ability to communicate in English. Activities in class include systematic teaching of vocabulary, role-play and life-like situations related to students´ future professions.

Student-centered, participative classes mean that:

  • Students are engaged in activities that require the use of the language in real life situations
  • Each lesson or activity has clear objectives and the student should be aware of them in order to be able to achieve the objectives
  • Students are engaged in role-play or information gap activities to express themselves in English. These activities are organized in such a way that a communicative function is a necessity
  • Students actively participate and use their own resources and initiative
  • Students know how to deal with significant and relevant situations
  • Students are capable of developing their own potential to the fullest
  • Students develop study techniques
  • Students learn to survive on their own in English

Cursos cortos en el extranjero

INACAP, via the Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales, offers students the following short term courses:

  • Inglés a tu medida, Hansa College, Toronto, Canada
  • Inglés para hoteleros, Niagara College, Canada
  • Translation and International Business, Confederation College, Canada.

For more information please contact rrii@inacap.cl

Convenio Instituto Chileno Británico de Cultura

El Instituto Chileno Británico, fundado en 1938, constituye con la Asociación de Institutos Culturales Británicos en América Latina, la mayor red de cultura y educación en Latinoamérica, llegando a más de 300.000 alumnos.

Cuenta con cinco sedes en la Región Metropolitana, clases online para adultos, menores, colegios, universidades y empresas.

  • Alcances del Convenio:
  • Pueden acceder al convenio alumnos, egresados, docentes y administrativos de INACAP.
  • Modalidades:
  • Cursos abiertos en Sedes de Instituto Chileno Británico: 20% descuento sobre precio de lista.
  • Cursos cerrados en Sedes INACAP Santiago y Sedes Instituto Chileno Británico Santiago Centro y Maipú: 57% descuento, sobre el precio de lista, por persona y por trimestre. (Mínimo 10 personas, máximo 14 personas)
  • Cursos ‘e’ learning:
  • Cursos de Práctica y Preparación en Línea de Exámenes Internacionales
  • Módulos a distancia “Kevin’s Way

Si estás interesado en la modalidad grupal en Sede INACAP, envíanos un correo a inglesexalumnos@inacap.cl. El curso en sedes está sujeto a un mínimo de 10 participantes. Invita a tus amigos a inscribirse.

Si estás interesado en cursos ‘e’ learning con 10% a 15% descuento, contactar con: inglesatualcance@inacap.cl
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